Unique hand carved small bust.
-Materials: Authentic raw serpentine stone
-Height: 8.2 centimetres
-Width: 6.5 centimetres
-Depth: 6 centimetres
Daphne Goddess Anatolian Interpretation, Ninhursag in Sumer, Ancient Sumerian mother goddes, female nymph.
The bust represented Goddess Daphne and Ninhursag. Style of artisan and his shaping of the stone is unique. It is a very rare style sculpture. All hand made without any mechanic tools. Carved from authentic Antiochan serpentine stone which called "lucky stone" in Anatolia. Back side of sculpture is raw stone which you can feel the nature of the stone itself.
Daphne, a minor figure in Greek mythology, is a naiad, a variety of female nymph associated with fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks and other bodies of freshwater. She is said by ancient sources variously to have been a daughter of the river god Peneus and the nymph Creusa in Thessaly (Hyginus Fabulae 203) or of Ladon (the river Ladon in Arcadia) or Pineios, and to Ge (or Gaia) (Pausanias and others). There are several versions of the myth in which she appears, but the general narrative, found in Greco-Roman mythology, is that due to a curse made by the god Cupid, son of Venus, on the god Apollo (Phoebus), she became the unwilling object of the infatuation of Apollo, who chased her against her wishes. Just before being kissed by him, Daphne pleaded to her river god father for help, who transformed her into a laurel tree, thus foiling Apollo.
Ship in cardboard box with nice packaging.