Goddess of Love, Sexuality and Prosperity!
✦Materials: Bronze, Metal
✦Height: 11.2 centimetres
✦Width: 3.8 centimetres
✦Depth: 3 centimetres
Check this item reviews on Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/listing/964534562/inanna-statue-astarte-asherah-kybele?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details
Bronze Patina, Product's color may vary due to molded. Small differences can be seen on figurine surface due to molded.
* * * Her feet are tiny so it is standing on a very small space, please put her in a plane surface. If you shake the surface it can be fall down easily. Better not to put on glass surfaces * * *
My sculptor production partner create Bilquis in Anatolian - Middle Eastern style. Bronze Patina mould sculpture with antique look. Inspiration from real ancient Goddess figurines in Anatolia. Weight: 250 gr. (When you purchase only one figurine will be sent.)
Love Goddesses of Middle Eastern ancient culture:
Bilquis: The name Bilquis (or Bilqis) comes from Islamic tradition. The ancient kingdom of Saba is thought to have been located in present-day Yemen, Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia, and Bilqis was the name given to the Queen of Saba in later stories.
Astarte: She was connected with fertility, sexuality, and war. Her symbols were the lion, the horse, the sphinx, the dove, and a star within a circle indicating the planet Venus. Pictorial representations often show her naked.
Asherah: Her name means "Holy Place."
Harvest loaves for communal feasts were shaped like the goddess and blessed: the original cakes and ale and communion ritual. Asherah, often represented as a tree, was the ruling queen of the Semitic pantheon.
Inanna: The Goddess who invented Civilization
The flowering of Sumeria, its temples, ordered cities, irrigated fields, birthplace of cuneiform writing and codes of law, and mastery of terra-cotta arts, all offer tribute to the first Great Goddess named by history. She's known as queen of the night, goddess of nocturnal animals and everything related in darkness.
Inanna Statue, Astarte, Bilquis, Kybele or Anatolian Venus Goddess are the great gift for breastfeeding mother. Abundance charm and prosperity statue for your altar.